Month: January 2019

Favi, a metal foundry putting employees first

Favi is a remarkable company: While most examples of companies with a human-first culture seem to be build from the ground up that way, are relatively recent, and come from a internet technology background, Favi was an old-school family owned brass foundry, founded in 1953, when Jean-Francois Zobrist took over as CEO in 1983. The way he became CEO was remarkable as well: the owner took Zobrist on a helicopter tour, landed near the plant, gathered the employees, and told them Zobrist was their new CEO, not in the last place to the surprise of Zobrist himself.

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Blind for delays

Many organizations are blind to delays. We are so focused on the time we actually spend working on activities that we ignore the waiting time between them. This is a huge problem because usually the waiting time exceeds the working time by far. As a result the delivery of value is a lot slower than necessary.

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